Thursday, July 24, 2008

Note cards?

That is the main question right now...pricing. I drew the fish, then scanned it and arranged them on a powerpoint, then printed them on watercolor paper. I hand painted each one, they aren't big so it doesn't take me long. The problem I forsee with note cards is that I have some nice note cards with envelopes that would work beautifully, except that I would either have to draw on each one as well as paint, or I would have to have a stamp made that I could use on paper of any size. I have been thinking about the stamp option for a while but I haven't decided on a size and I am hesitant to spend more money when I haven't really sold anything...As for your question Karla, I would like to hear any and all suggestions you might have about pricing. I also made some bookmark sized fish, I will post pictures when I can.

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